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Kaizen 6S System Improves Manufacturing Productivity & Safety

October 12, 2022 /


/ Sarah Johnson

Organomation, a laboratory equipment manufacturer, recently partnered with MassMEP to complete a total reorganization of their shipping area. They utilized the Kaizen 6S system, which aims to promote a high level of productivity and safety within a workplace by applying 6 components: Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain, & Safety. It is based on the idea that small, ongoing positive changes can lead to significant improvements.

Organomation's Kaizen Team pictured above included (back - left to right) Chad Ellard, Ericka Pultorak, Ryan Pellerite, Sang Nguyen, (front - left to right) Mark McNiven, and Justin King. The team put together a list of desired changes to the shipping area in the hopes of reducing wasted time and increasing productivity. 

In order to test the current state of the packing and shipping process, the Kaizen team mocked a shipment of one of Organomation's most popular products and tracked the number of steps it took to complete. To gather the materials, pack them up, and process the order for shipment, it took a total of 83 steps. After reconfiguring the shipping area, properly labelling each item, and creating a more open floor plan, the team again mocked a shipment of the same product. This time, it only took a total of 62 steps, a 25% improvement. 

Reorganized Shipping Table

After successfully implementing many Kaizen tools, the company has noticed an increase in their efficiency and performance. Organomation's production manager, Chad Ellard, stated, "I had high hopes for what we could accomplish going into this project, and we managed to exceed my expectations. I am optimistic that this project will vastly improve our day-to-day operations in shipping, while also providing us with the knowledge to carry the same processes into future projects."

The laboratory evaporator manufacturer continues to make small yet impactful changes to their operations, which is exactly what the Kaizen model encourages. It is all about adaptive change and creating a safe environment in which everyone feels empowered to contribute.

Reorganized Shipping Table

Reorganized Shipping Rack MassMEP Logo



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