Blog | Organomation

Blowdown Evaporator For Mass Spec Sample Prep at ASMS 2024

Written by Liz Gurkin | June 03, 2024

Organomation is proud to announce that we will be exhibiting at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry’s Annual Conference this June 2nd to 6th. Come and visit our knowledgeable staff and let us help you find the right evaporator or extractor for your laboratory.

Mass spectrometry is used in many biological, environmental, pharmaceutical, and analytical laboratories to quantitatively define the masses of singular molecules in a given sample. Since 1969 the ASMS has worked to “promote and disseminate knowledge of mass spectrometry and allied topics.” Their members consist of over 8,500 scientists from academic, industrial, and governmental laboratories. The society and its members work to advance “techniques and instrumentation in mass spectrometry, as well as fundamental research in chemistry, geology, forensics, biological sciences, and physics.”

This year’s show in Anaheim, California will be the ASMS’s 72nd annual conference. They predict that 6,000 scientists will be in attendance! The 2,500 estimated presentations that make up the conference will be sure to keep everyone busy, but if you find yourself with some downtime you can stroll through the poster exhibit hall, featuring up to 700 different posters and 180 exhibit booths. This is where you can find Organomation’s booth, number 440. Come and visit General Manager David Oliva and see our most popular evaporator, the 24 Position N-EVAP, in action!

Different techniques suite each methodology best – do you know which sample preparation approach to mass spectrometry is best for your lab? To find the right evaporator or extractor, be sure to take our quiz or connect with a sales agent today. And don’t forget to buy your ASMS tickets before it is too late!