Many sample preparation techniques require the use of nitrogen gas, with the most common one being nitrogen blowdown evaporation. If you have experience working with a blowdown concentrator, you probably also have experience working with nitrogen cylinders and the complications that come with them. High throughput labs will need to replace them quite often, which can be both costly and wasteful.
When your nitrogen supply has run out, it forces you to pause your operation, switch out the cylinders, redo all the gas connections to your instrument, and recalibrate your gas pressure and flow before resuming evaporation. All the while your samples are sitting out, allowing more time for the analyte to degrade and increasing the chances of contamination.
Replacing your nitrogen cylinders with a nitrogen generator can eliminate all these troubles and enhance your lab's sample preparation practices. With a one-time purchase of a generator, your lab can have a reliable and consistent source of nitrogen, without the worry of running out or replacing your supply. You can install your nitrogen gas generator right next to your benchtop evaporator, and never have to move it. You can simply set it and forget it, unlike nitrogen cylinders which require a high-level of maintenance.
You can also feel good knowing you're being eco-friendly and eradicating as much waste as possible. Generators help reduce your carbon footprint by eliminating the need to participate in tank exchanges and having nitrogen cylinders shipped to and from your laboratory. You're generating nitrogen from the air around you, so you will never need a replacement. This will save a significant amount of your budget which will be freed up for more pressing needs. Your return on investment can be as short as 1-2 years, depending on the amount of gas used for your application.
For more information on nitrogen generators, check out this comprehensive guide: Nitrogen Generators: Everything You Need to Know
Organomation's NITRO-GEN-20 generator is perfect if you're looking for a simple solution that is a fraction of the cost of similar generators on the market. Only requiring a source of compressed air to run, the compact NITRO-GEN was designed for use with sample concentrators. It can produce up to 99% purity with a flow rate of 0-20 LPM.
Watch the demo video on Organomation's nitrogen gas generator to learn all its capabilities and controls. If you have questions on the NITRO-GEN, please reach out to sales@organomation.com.
→ Next: How gas cylinders can disrupt gas chromatography sample preparation