News, Product Information, PFAS
/ Organomation
In response to an increase in PFAS testing, Organomation is pleased to announce a new Teflon free option on its popular line of N-EVAP® nitrogen blowdown evaporators for sample preparation. A video explaining more about the new Teflon free option for PFAS testing is available on Organomation’s YouTube Channel.
The Teflon free option can be ordered using the “–NT” option code when ordering Organomation nitrogen blowdown instruments. For example, a 12 position N-EVAP® with no Teflon can be ordered as catalog number 11155-NT.
PFAS, also known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances or “forever chemicals,” are known to be widely used in making products stain resistant, waterproof, and nonstick.
The US EPA has produced two methods of determination of PFAS in drinking water: methods 537.1 and 533. Organomation’s 12 position N-EVAP (Cat# 11155-NT) is recommended for both EPA methods.
Organomation’s new Teflon free models use a PTFE-free sealant instead of Teflon tape to seal the threads of the gas fittings, eliminating potential contamination from fluoropolymers.
Pricing and lead times remain the same as Organomation’s standard N-EVAP nitrogen blowdown evaporators.
Learn more about how Organomation’s nitrogen blowdown evaporators are used to evaporate samples to dryness for PFAS analysis in US EPA methods 537.1 and 533.
Read more about how researchers are using an Organomation N-EVAP® for PFAS testing at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.
Please contact an Organomation sales technician for a quote today on a Teflon free nitrogen blowdown evaporator.