Organomation Evaporators Put Sample Analysis Back into Your Hands
“We support your products on our lab website and recommend you to all our friends and colleagues that may need an evaporator or want to replicate our methods.”
~Shellie Hyde, Stanford University School of Medicine
Customer: Medical School Research Lab
The Parker Lab at Stanford University School of Medicine deals with what, for most research labs, is an endless battle: funding. However, they have found that Organomation products help keep costs down when competing for grant money.
“Without the ability to analyze our own samples, we would require a lot more money per project to fund contract sample analysis.”
Applications: Extraction of neuropeptides that support social functioning
The Parker Lab studies neuropeptides such as oxytocin and vasopressin that support social functioning in animals and people. After the analytes are extracted, they must be concentrated before analysis.
“We use the evaporators in most of our studies to concentrate plasma, CSF and saliva samples after SPE or before RIA/EIA. Our problem was the concentrations of the desired analytes were too low for affordable, conventional measurement techniques. The MULTIVAP solved this because it concentrated samples so we could reliably assay them with various commercially available kits.”
Equipment Benefits: Organomation MULTIVAP and N-EVAP evaporators save time and money
“We tried using other methods of sample concentration before. Lyophilizers were not an option for us because we need to evaporate organic solvents for many of our procedures. Speedvacs were too harsh on our delicate peptides. The nitrogen evaporators are gentler on our peptides, more flexible with solvent choices, quieter and easier to maintain than speedvacs.”
“[Organomation] products are easy to use and maintain and customer service is great. I like that I can open and close individual channels with the N-EVAP, and I like that I can put the steel block from my MULTIVAP in the -20°C freezer overnight and it will keep my samples cool when I use it the next day.”
Conclusion: Customer oriented sample concentration!
“I feel like you guys [Organomation] really do try to match the end-user to the evaporator and price range. Anyone can build or sell a device, the difference is that you guys [Organomation] seem to really care about what you are making and who to sell it to. I always know that if I have problems and/or questions I will get a helpful (and prompt if not immediate) response. I have two devices now, one N-EVAP and one MULTIVAP, and will purchase another from you if volume and workload dictate the necessity!”