In response to increased interest in PFAS testing, Organomation has added a Teflon-free option to our popular N-EVAP blowdown evaporator product line. The new models can be ordered using the –NT option code, for instance Cat# 11155-NT for a 12 Position Teflon-free N-EVAP. Pricing and lead times for our Teflon-free N-EVAPs remain the same as for our standard model blowdown evaporators.
Teflon-free N-EVAP demonstration video:
We know it is important to eliminate all possible sources of contamination during PFAS analyses. Our N-EVAPs are constructed from 316 stainless steel, anodized aluminum, acetal, nylon, polypropylene, nitrile rubber, polyurethane, and silicone parts. Teflon-free models use a PTFE-free sealant instead of Teflon tape to seal the threads of the gas fittings, eliminating potential contamination from fluoropolymers.
There are now two EPA methods approved to measure PFAS, both specifically meant for drinking water. EPA method 537.1 uses solid phase extraction (SPE) and LC/MS/MS for the determination 18 PFAS. EPA 533 was just introduced in December 2019, and covers an additional 11 PFAS such as PFBA and PFPeA. The new method uses isotope dilution as well as SPE and LC/MS/MS.
We are proud that both EPA method 537.1 and 533 reference our 12 Position N-EVAP, Cat# 11155. The N-EVAP is used to dry a mix of methanol and water from the extract before analysis by LC/MS/MS. Both methods recommend a bath temperature of 60 - 65 °C.
→ PFAS Sample Preparation: The Definitive Guide
Additional Information:
For more information about PFAS and Organomation, check out our blog. See what researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences are doing, or read more about PFAS and its methods.
EPA Methods: