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Protein Sample Preparation for Mass Spectrometry

August 05, 2024 /

Case Studies

/ David Oliva





Following the Gulf Coast Conference in 2022, Amy Valladares and I had the opportunity to revisit MD Anderson for a significant upgrade to their evaporation capabilities. This visit marked a pivotal moment for both Organomation and MD Anderson, as we worked together to enhance their sample preparation processes.


A Growing Need for Efficiency

MD Anderson has always been at the forefront of cancer research, requiring top-tier equipment to support their cutting-edge work. Their existing setup with a MULTIVAP batch evaporator was already performing admirably. However, as their research needs grew, so did their need for efficient sample preparation. It was clear that an additional evaporator was necessary to keep up with the increasing demand.


Installing the Second MULTIVAP Evaporator

Organomation worked closely with MD Anderson's research team to ensure a smooth installation of their second MULTIVAP evaporator. The process was meticulously planned to minimize any disruption to their ongoing projects. Our goal was to seamlessly integrate the new evaporator into their workflow, allowing them to continue their critical research without any hitches.

During our visit, we had the pleasure of meeting Shelly Martinez, one of the key members of the research team. Shelly shared her insights on why the MULTIVAP is integral to their work: "We like the MULTIVAP more than the SpeedVac because the MULTIVAP is faster and dries the samples more thoroughly." This endorsement underscored the value that the MULTIVAP brings to their daily operations.


The Impact on Research

The addition of the second MULTIVAP evaporator has already begun to show positive results. MD Anderson's researchers are now able to process more samples in less time, significantly speeding up their experimental timelines. This efficiency boost not only enhances their research capabilities but also accelerates the pace at which they can achieve breakthroughs in cancer treatment. Shelly Martinez emphasized this point, stating, "We rely on the MULTIVAP every day, it is very rugged."


Ease of Use

One significant advantage of Organomation equipment is its ease of use. At the time of our visit, MD Anderson had recently acquired an expensive V10 evaporator from Biotage. However, they found the V10 cumbersome to use and had not integrated it into their standard workflow. In contrast, the MULTIVAP's user-friendly design and straightforward operation made it a preferred choice for their daily tasks. This ease of use ensures that researchers can focus on their experiments without being bogged down by complicated equipment.


Why Nitrogen Blowdown is Ideal for Proteomics in Medical Research 

While the installation at MD Anderson highlights a specific success story, it's important to understand why nitrogen blowdown evaporators like the MULTIVAP are increasingly favored in medical research laboratories, particularly for proteomics.


Protecting Heat-Sensitive Samples

Proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins, requires precise and careful handling of samples to ensure the integrity of the proteins being analyzed. Many of these proteins are heat-sensitive, meaning they can degrade or lose functionality if exposed to high temperatures during sample preparation. Nitrogen blowdown evaporators are ideal for this purpose because they use a gentle stream of nitrogen gas to evaporate solvents without subjecting the samples to excessive heat. Unlike centrifugal vacuum concentrators, which can generate heat through friction and require longer drying times, nitrogen blowdown provides a cooler, more controlled evaporation environment.


Efficient Solvent Evaporation 

In proteomics research, the ability to efficiently concentrate samples without compromising their integrity is crucial. Nitrogen blowdown systems are designed to evaporate solvents quickly and uniformly, which is essential when preparing large numbers of samples. This efficiency not only saves time but also ensures that the samples remain consistent and reliable for downstream analysis. As Shelly Martinez pointed out, the MULTIVAP dries samples more thoroughly than a centrifugal vacuum concentrator, which can sometimes leave residues or unevenly dried samples due to its reliance on centrifugal force.


Versatility and Adaptability 

Another key advantage of nitrogen blowdown evaporators is their versatility. These systems can handle a wide range of solvents and sample volumes, making them suitable for various stages of the proteomics workflow. Whether it's preparing samples for mass spectrometry or other analytical techniques, nitrogen blowdown provides the flexibility needed in a dynamic research environment. This adaptability is often superior to that of centrifugal vacuum concentrators, which may require specific rotor configurations and have limitations in handling different solvent types.


Reducing Contamination Risks 

Using nitrogen gas, which is an inert and clean gas, helps to minimize the risk of contamination during the evaporation process. This is particularly important in medical research laboratories where maintaining the purity of samples is paramount. The controlled environment provided by nitrogen blowdown systems ensures that the samples are not exposed to contaminants that could affect the results of the research. Centrifugal vacuum concentrators, with their more complex mechanical components, may pose a higher risk of introducing contaminants.


Supporting Advanced Research

Medical research laboratories, like those at MD Anderson, rely on advanced technologies to push the boundaries of what's possible in cancer research and other fields. Nitrogen blowdown evaporators support this mission by providing a reliable and efficient method for sample preparation. By ensuring that samples are concentrated without degradation, these systems help researchers achieve more accurate and reproducible results.

The installation of a second MULTIVAP evaporator at MD Anderson is just one example of how nitrogen blowdown technology is making a significant impact in the field of proteomics. By offering a gentle, efficient, and versatile method for concentrating heat-sensitive samples, nitrogen blowdown evaporators are an invaluable tool in medical research laboratories around the world. At Organomation, we are proud to support these vital research efforts with our innovative evaporation solutions. As Shelly Martinez from MD Anderson succinctly put it, "We like the MULTIVAP more than the SpeedVac because the MULTIVAP is faster and dries the samples more thoroughly," highlighting the critical advantages of nitrogen blowdown in their everyday research.

Thinking about integrating a sample evaporator into your lab? Take this quick quiz to determine which evaporation method is best for you, or speak to our team of professionals at sales@organomation.com.


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