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Stainless Steel Needles vs. Glass Pipettes for Nitrogen Evaporation

April 18, 2023 /

Product Information

/ Sarah Johnson

Stainless steel needles and glass pipettes - they're both used on Organomation's parallel evaporators to deliver nitrogen gas onto the sample's surface. If they both serve the same function, you may..

Proteomics Lab Uses Nitrogen Purge System to Purge O2 from Solution

 The Trinkle Lab, founded by Dr. Laura Trinkle-Mulcahy, is a proteomics lab located in Ottawa, Canada that is focused on harnessing therapeutic strategies of targeted phosphatase activity. Protein..

High-Capacity Nitrogen Evaporator Prepares Samples Ahead of GC-MS

April 06, 2023 /

Case Studies

/ David Oliva

One of the most common ways Organomation dryers are used is to prepare samples ahead of GC-MS. A driving factor behind our desire to produce the best sample preparation instrumentation is to aide..

Nitrogen Generation Options for Laboratory Use

March 29, 2023 /

Nitrogen Generators

/ Sarah Johnson

Nitrogen gas is a staple for many laboratory procedures, mainly within the chemical manufacturing, pharmaceutical, and analytical testing industries. One of the largest uses of nitrogen gas in the..

Versatile Nitrogen Dryer for Test Tube & Microplate Evaporation

Many analytical and research laboratories work on a variety of projects, each one requiring their own procedures, supplies, and instrumentation. Having to purchase unique equipment for each procedure..

Preparing Soil Samples for EPA Methods 8081 and 8082

With an N-EVAP nitrogen evaporator dating back to the 1970s still in their workflow today, it is fair to say that PDC Laboratories in Peoria, Illinois has trusted Organomation with their sample..

New Affordable Sample Concentrator to be Displayed at ACS Spring 2023

March 08, 2023 /


/ Sarah Johnson

Organomation, a manufacturer of sample concentration solutions, will be exhibiting at ACS Spring 2023 at the end of this month. The event is taking place from March 26-30 at the Indiana Convention..

Organomation Partners with Pacific Star to Provide GSA Approved Evaporators

March 06, 2023 /


/ Sarah Johnson

Organomation, a leading manufacturer of sample preparation equipment, has recently announced their new partnership with Pacific Star Corporation. PSC has been a reliable distributor of various..

New Custom Solution for Microtiter Plate Concentration

February 23, 2023 /

New Products

/ Sarah Johnson

Sample Prep Equipment Manufacturer Announces New Tools Section

February 16, 2023 /


/ Sarah Johnson

 We, Organomation, are proud to announce our brand new tools section which can be found under the support tab on our website! This tools section includes hand-crafted quizzes designed to make the..