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5 Compelling Reasons to Upgrade from Manual to Automated Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)

Organomation Announces First Annual Homemade Evaporator Contest

Plant Lipid Sample Preparation for GC-MS Analysis

5 Reasons Why Your Lab Needs a Sample Concentrator Now

How Organomation's N-EVAP Stacks Up to the Biotage TurboVap

How Ineffective Sample Preparation is Costing Academic Researchers

Distributor Spotlight Series: Orange Science

Organomation, a leading manufacturer of laboratory equipment, has recently partnered with Orange Science to distribute their sample concentrators in Japan. This collaboration marks Organomation's..

Organomation Launches the S-EVAP+: A New Look at Vacuum Concentration

How Organomation's MULTIVAP Compares to the Biotage TurboVap

When to Combine Rotary and Blowdown Evaporation