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David Oliva

David Oliva

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A Sampling of Feedback from Laboratories

August 15, 2023 /

Case Studies

/ David Oliva

In addition to attending relevant conferences such as HPLC (High Performance Liquid Phase Separations) and EMS (a combined meeting of the National Environmental Measurement Conference and the Forum..

Nitrogen Dryer Assists Environmental Toxicologist in Three Research Roles

 "I believe that the first purchase I made after accepting this position was this nitrogen evaporator” said the Associate Professor of Environmental Toxicology. She had used the N-EVAP in two other..

Utilizing the N-EVAP as a Parallel Evaporator

The N-EVAP nitrogen evaporator, the company’s most popular product line, has been an effective tool for removing excess solvent from samples in virtually every known laboratory specialization. The..

High Capacity Evaporators Optimize Sample Throughput

 Why a MULTIVAP is better than an N-EVAP for batch evaporation

Where Rotary Evaporators Fall Short of Nitrogen Blowdown

When visiting a laboratory to learn more about their research and required sample preparation, I typically ask, “if you were not using nitrogen to blow down your samples, how would you remove excess..

Environmental Sample Preparation in California Laboratories

Centrifuge Supplanted by Faster Nitrogen Blow Down

May 01, 2023 /

Case Studies

/ David Oliva

Ivy League School Improves Metabolite Analysis Workflow by Installing Organomation Evaporators

High-Capacity Nitrogen Evaporator Prepares Samples Ahead of GC-MS

April 06, 2023 /

Case Studies

/ David Oliva

One of the most common ways Organomation dryers are used is to prepare samples ahead of GC-MS. A driving factor behind our desire to produce the best sample preparation instrumentation is to aide..

Preparing Soil Samples for EPA Methods 8081 and 8082

With an N-EVAP nitrogen evaporator dating back to the 1970s still in their workflow today, it is fair to say that PDC Laboratories in Peoria, Illinois has trusted Organomation with their sample..

Customer focus & solvent evaporation expertise drive Organomation

December 02, 2022 /

Our History

/ David Oliva

For over sixty years, Organomation has evolved in noteworthy ways such as increasing the number of sample preparation instrument offerings and entering into new international markets. However, the..