During April, Amelia Valladares was promoted to Sales and Marketing Manager. Valladares started with the company in 2014 as a Sales and Marketing Technician before becoming Lead Sales Technician in..
Berlin, MA, September 8, 2015 – Organomation is proud to announce that the company’s product manuals have been enhanced and posted to the Support section of Organomation.com. The company hopes that..
Berlin, MA, February 3, 2015 – Organomation is proud to announce that a number of new support documents have been added to the company’s website. These articles and PDF files should be especially..
News, Nitrogen Generators, Microplate Evaporators, Kuderna-Danish Evaporation
/ David OlivaBerlin, MA, December 9, 2014 – Each year, Lab Manager publishes a purchasing guide which covers a wide range of laboratory product categories. The 2014-2015 edition features two different..
As stated earlier, at a given temperature the optimal gas flow may be defined as the highest velocity at which the gas jet can impinge on the solvent surface without causing excessive turbulence...
In previous discussions, it was noted that the two key factors affecting the evaporation rate of a given solvent are temperature and gas flow. Further, the evaporation rate of the subject solvent..
Berlin, MA, August 1, 2014 – Last month, Organomation announced a new program which allows customers to trade in their used evaporator or extractor for credit which will be applied towards a new..
Berlin, MA, July 11, 2014 – Earlier this year, Organomation proudly lengthened the standard warranty for some of its most popular nitrogen evaporators from one to two years. Since 1959, laboratory..
Berlin, MA, June 10, 2014 – Organomation is happy to announce that the sample holders used in the company's popular N-EVAP product line have been upgraded. The company stands behind the quality of..
New Products, Nitrogen Generators
/ David OlivaOrganomation presents one of their most advanced accessories to date, a newly revamped Nitrogen Generator. This compact unit will provide laboratory technicians with their own source of nitrogen..
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