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Read the latest news and announcements on Organomation laboratory evaporators and extractors instruments for sample preparation.

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Organomation Celebrates Dr. Caitlin Cain, Winner of  Outstanding Achievement in Gas Chromatography at LCGC International's Rising Stars of Separation Science Awards

October 08, 2024 /


/ Organomation

How Organomation's MULTIVAP Compares to the Biotage TurboVap

Comparing the Organomation MICROVAP and the Porvair UltraVap

Discovering PFAS in Drinking Water - A Global Focus

Organomation General Manager David Oliva with authorized distributor Orange Science at JASIS, the Japan Analytical and Scientific Instruments Show. Japan is one of the countries currently regulating..

Why Nitrogen Generators are Gaining Popularity

June 18, 2024 /

Nitrogen Generators

/ Organomation

Sample Concentration Critical to PFAS Analysis at Harvard Lab

September 27, 2021 /

Case Studies, Environmental, PFAS

/ Organomation

At the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the Sunderland lab is conducting analysis of environmental samples. Specifically, they are analyzing trace metals and PFAS in water, soil,..

Identifying Pesticides in the Environment With Large Scale Evaporators

Customer: Environmental LaboratoryOne of the largest environmental testing laboratories in the United States relies on Organomation instruments of high-quality sample analysis for water, soil, and..

Free PFAS Testing Program for Private Well Owners in Massachusetts

February 22, 2021 /

Case Studies, Environmental, PFAS

/ Organomation

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Agency (MassDEP) has announced a new program for free PFAS testing for private well owners in the state of Massachusetts. Municipalities..

Nitrogen Blowdown Evaporator Used in Extractables & Leachables Testing

February 21, 2021 /

Case Studies, Pharmaceutical

/ Organomation

Scientists at a leading contract research laboratory useOrganomation’s 24 Position dry bath N-EVAPfor extractables and leachables (E&L) testing. Operated in an analytical lab that provides testing..

Organomation to exhibit at Analytica Virtual & JASIS Expo trade show

October 16, 2020 /


/ Organomation

Organomation will be participating in the two leading laboratory instrumentation trade fairs this year: Analytica Virtual (October 20-23) and JASIS Expo (Nov 11-13).

Attendees at Analytica will be..