Organomation blowdown evaporators are well known by those completing PFAS methods focused on drinking water, specifically EPA Method 533 and 537.1. While the N-EVAP tends to be most popular with..
Chromatography and spectrometry are often used together because they provide complementary capabilities that enhance the analysis of complex mixtures. To delve into how each contributes to the..
While rotary evaporators are a simple solution for concentrating one sample at a time, two types of concentrators are typically utilized for processing multiple samples at once: nitrogen blow down..
SpeedVacs, CentriVaps and other vacuum concentrators are common tools for sample evaporation. In summary, solvents are evaporated at lower temperatures due to the application of vacuum. As pressure..
The November 2023 edition of Lab Manager included an insightful article titled "Looking Beyond Routine Equipment Maintenance." The piece featured some thought-provoking data from a survey..
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