Back in August of this year, Organomation exhibited at the Environmental Measurement Symposium (EMS 2023). This event had a large focus on PFAS - toxic "forever chemicals" that are becoming..
Case Studies, Environmental, PFAS
/ OrganomationAt the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the Sunderland lab is conducting analysis of environmental samples. Specifically, they are analyzing trace metals and PFAS in water, soil,..
Case Studies, Environmental, PFAS
/ OrganomationThe Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Agency (MassDEP) has announced a new program for free PFAS testing for private well owners in the state of Massachusetts. Municipalities..
News, Product Information, PFAS
/ OrganomationIn response to an increase in PFAS testing, Organomation is pleased to announce a new Teflon free option on its popular line of N-EVAP® nitrogen blowdown evaporators for sample preparation. A video..
In response to increased interest in PFAS testing, Organomation has added a Teflon-free option to our popular N-EVAP blowdown evaporator product line. The new models can be ordered using the –NT..
Case Studies, Environmental, Academic, PFAS
/ OrganomationLaboratories around the globe are using US EPA methods 533, 537, and 537.1 to analyze finished drinking water from groundwater and surface water sources for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances..
I recently attended a seminar on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) hosted by global testing laboratory Eurofins, a longstanding customer of Organomation. The seminar was hosted locally in..
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