Any time you need to purchase high end laboratory equipment, the sales process can be very stressful. Sales representatives are looking to fill their quotas in order to receive their commissions..
New Products, Kuderna-Danish Evaporation
/ OrganomationOrganomation has added a new 20 ml vacuum insulated concentrator tube to their glassware product line (Cat# GP2244).
The new concentrator tube combines 0.2-20ml end point volume with a reduced..
Berlin, MA, June 7, 2013 – Organomation unveils the company’s new Automatic 20 Position Nitrogen Evaporator.
This latest addition to the company’s widely successful N-EVAP product line allows for..
Nitrogen evaporation is a vital step in many analytical chemistry practices.When so many procedures rely on using this one piece of equipment, you need to make sure that your nitrogen evaporator..
Pesticides and the EPAPesticides are monitored closely by agencies such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).Recently a widely used neonicotinoid insecticide,..
Welcome to the newly redesigned homepage of Organomation Associates, Inc. We are proud to say that this is the best version of to date due to the sites’ informational resources and..
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