Berlin, MA, January 5, 2015 – Organomation is proud to announce that instrument models in the company’s flagship product line, N-EVAP nitrogen evaporators, now come standard with fully stainless..
News, Kuderna-Danish Evaporation
/ OrganomationBerlin, MA, September 5, 2014 – In an effort to highlight one of the company's fastest growing instrument types,'s solvent evaporator section has been dramatically enhanced. A new..
Organomation announces a sale on a wide variety of newly refurbished laboratory evaporators and extractors in the company's official online store. The evaporator manufacturer fully stands behind..
Nitrogen evaporation is a widely used technique for concentrating samples prior to analysis. The temperature at which the evaporation is conducted is crucial for achieving optimal results. This post..
It is often said that the best place to catch a disease is in a hospital; likewise, the most common place for sample contamination to occur is in the analytical laboratory. Sample contamination may..
New Products, Product Information, Microplate Evaporators
/ OrganomationBerlin, MA, December 2, 2013 – Organomation announces the newly redesigned MICROVAP product line. These evaporation systems are designed for controlled concentration of small samples. All four..
There are many different methods used in today’s laboratories to assist in the concentration and/or drying of samples. Many of these methods use a combination of techniques, such as temperature..
Berlin, MA, October 18, 2013 – Organomation unveils a plan to publish several laboratory evaporator themed pieces to the company's blog this Fall. This series of short articles will include many..
“We support your products on our lab website and recommend you to all our friends and colleagues that may need an evaporator or want..
Although buying a used laboratory evaporator gives you the possibility of saving some money upfront, often times the savings do not offset the cost of fixing the used instrument later on. In most..
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