Case Studies, Environmental, Academic
/ OrganomationCustomer: Clemson College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences Dr. Sruthi Narayanan, Assistant Professor at Clemson University has found..
BERLIN, MASS (November 14, 2018) – Organomation is proud to launch a new responsive website design where visitors can now experience a seamless transition from desktop to mobile browsing.
“We are..
BERLIN, MASS (September 17, 2018) – The Massachusetts based laboratory equipment manufacturer, Organomation was recently featured in Supply and Demand Chain Executive Magazine for its long-standing..
BERLIN, MASS (January 25, 2018) – Organomation has partnered with Lab Manager to create a paper on “How Nitrogen Blowdown Evaporators can address your lab’s specific needs.”
The paper details how..
BERLIN, MASS (December 13, 2017) – Sales technician Amy Valladares of Organomation was recently featured in Laboratory Equipment Magazine, where she makes a case for non-automated sample..
Berlin, MA, November 25, 2015 – Organomation is happy to unveil the opening of the company’s official eBay store. Additionally, the company will continue to sell refurbished laboratory instruments..
Berlin, MA, July 10, 2015 – For years, Organomation has been an authorized distributor of PolyScience laboratory chillers. Organomation has expanded the Products section of the company’s website to..
Berlin, MA, April 23, 2015 – The digital version of Organomation’s 2015 Laboratory Evaporator and Extractor catalog can now be requested through the company’s website. This 10 page brochure..
News, Microplate Evaporators, Kuderna-Danish Evaporation
/ OrganomationBerlin, MA, April 9, 2015 – Organomation is proud to announce that the company’s products have been featured April’s edition of Lab Manager Magazine. Each edition of the monthly publication..
Berlin, MA, March 27, 2015 – A number of newly posted refurbished laboratory evaporators and extractors have been discounted within the company's official online store. At up to 50% off of the..
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