Case Studies, Environmental, PFAS
/ OrganomationAt the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, the Sunderland lab is conducting analysis of environmental samples. Specifically, they are analyzing trace metals and PFAS in water, soil,..
Organomation’s 12 position N-EVAP laboratory evaporator uses nitrogen blowdown to concentrate sample extracts prior to analysis. During evaporation, the user has full control of gas flow to..
Product Information, Environmental
/ Connor McLeodEnvironmental laboratories work with applications that each require different types of testing. This can make it hard to find the proper instruments to meet their specific needs. At Organomation,..
Case Studies, Environmental, Kuderna-Danish Evaporation
/ OrganomationCustomer: Environmental LaboratoryOne of the largest environmental testing laboratories in the United States relies on Organomation instruments of high-quality sample analysis for water, soil, and..
Case Studies, Environmental, PFAS
/ OrganomationThe Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Agency (MassDEP) has announced a new program for free PFAS testing for private well owners in the state of Massachusetts. Municipalities..
In avideoproduced by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC),Organomation’s 24 position N-EVAPis seen in the background of DTSC’s state-of-the art Environmental Chemistry Lab..
Case Studies, Environmental, Academic, PFAS
/ OrganomationLaboratories around the globe are using US EPA methods 533, 537, and 537.1 to analyze finished drinking water from groundwater and surface water sources for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances..
Case Studies, Environmental, Academic
/ OrganomationStudents at Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, are leveraging an Organomation 24-position N-EVAP to evaluate the efficiency of different wastewater treatment systems in removing antibiotics...
Case Studies, Environmental, Academic
/ OrganomationCustomer: Clemson College of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences, Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences Dr. Sruthi Narayanan, Assistant Professor at Clemson University has found..
Berlin, MA, October 19, 2016 – Organomation is proud to announce that one of the company’s own employees had an article featured in October’s edition of American Laboratory magazine. Sales..
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